Mystery Castle

Bungee Drop Tower in the themed world Mystery

Only courage weakens evil

The mighty tower rises to the sky and gives an idea of what dark secrets these castle walls hide. Here, the greedy noble family of Windhoven entered into a pact with evil... and only your courage can banish the curse! Face the dark forces and dare the rapid fall into the depths - goose bumps guaranteed!


the Highlights of this Bungy drop Tower

This is what makes Mystery Castle so unique

Pure adrenaline
Just on the safe ground, it goes up into the tower at lightning speed of 72 km/h. And then comes the free fall ...

Mystic adventure
Ancestral gallery, fireplace room, chemistry lab: Before the bungee drop, you walk through mysterious vaults - unique in Europe!

Attention to detail

Creaking floorboards, glowing red eyes and billowing chemicals - the elaborate theming makes Mystery Castle a unique adventure!

Discover more highlights

Thrill at its best
Up high - and then down really deep! The dark tower of Mystery Castle is a whole 65 meters high.

Goosebumps extreme
In the long abandoned chambers of the von Windhoven, time seems to stand still. And yet one senses everywhere: there is still someone ...

Courage in the dark
Only lightning breaks through the ominous darkness as the bungee drop shoots the daring adventurers through the mighty tower.

Mystery Castle also has a romantic side: After the bungee drop, the nerves can recover in the romantic flower garden.


Goosebumps and excitement: Mystery Castle has already won several national and international awards - including the best European thrill attraction five times in a row!

favourite Thrill-Attraction 2023!
Parkscout Publikums Award (Rank 1)

Experience Mystery Castle all year round in summer as well as in Wintertraum!¹

Terms of use

Guests under 1.30 m or over 1.95 m in height and children under 10 years of age are not allowed to ride.

People between 1.30 m and 1.95 m in height and children over 10 years of age are allowed to ride.



¹ Please understand that temporary closures may occur at this attraction in the event of extreme weather conditions.



Terms of use and safety instructions


Explanation of the possibility of use

"Mystery Castle" poses several risks for people with heart and circulatory problems. For one thing, the waiting area runs through a scary room where visitors are frightened by employees. Second, the ride of this free-fall tower is very rapid. Also, for people with back, neck, or spine conditions, using this attraction can cause aggravation due to the forces acting on the body. The ride may also have a negative effect on pregnancy. Use of the attraction is therefore not possible for these groups of people.

The gangway and the ride itself are (partly completely) in darkness.

There are no particular hazards for the hearing impaired, provided they are accompanied by a hearing person. However, to compensate for acceleration, visitors should be able to hold on with both hands. Passengers with plaster casts or amputations in the upper body area are at increased risk of neck and back injuries. It is therefore not possible for this group of people to use the attraction.

The waiting area runs over several stairs and is therefore not accessible for wheelchair users. People with walking and visual impairments are also at risk of tripping and falling. The exit is also not completely barrier-free.

Evacuation of the corridors is also via stairwells. People with walking and visual impairments may experience difficulties here. The gondolas can also be lowered by pneumatics in the event of a power failure. Evacuation at height would only be necessary in the event of mechanical problems. People would then have to remain in the gondolas for a longer period of time until they could be lifted out via a work basket. It remains questionable whether walking and visually impaired persons can transfer to the basket reasonably free of danger. Therefore, the use of the attraction for the walking and visually impaired is not possible.

Use is not possible for persons with epilepsy, fear of heights, fear of the dark and fear of space.

Contact the guest relations service at Kaiserplatz during your visit. There you will be informed in detail about the factors of use and receive the corresponding "Use and Waiver Agreement", which must be filled out, signed and countersigned on site with your personal data.

Status: 02/2018
Errors and changes excepted.

Theme world Mystery

Mysterious and mighty

Of hard-working craftsmen and wooden dragons. Of clever minds and savoury delights. A world full of stories – and fast-paced adventures!

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