If winter delicacies bring true feelings of happiness, you are in Phantasialand Wintertraum! An even greater culinary variety than in summer awaits you at many charming stalls and trolleys as well as in the restaurants and cafés – added with wonderful moments of enjoyment that simply make you happy!
We spoil you with unique culinary delights in our restaurants and cafés: let homemade "rook burgers" melt in your mouth in the mysteriously glowing Rookburgh. Taste the sweet pieces of art from our in-house patisserie Törtchen & Co. Or go on a rustic indulgence tour in Klugheim.
Those who like it hearty in winter will find their paradise of pleasure in Wintertraum: savory butcher's sausage. Rustic french fries. Flaming salmon fresh from the fire – and so much more! The culinary heart beats faster at the many gourmet stalls around Kaiserplatz. You could almost come here just to feast ...
When the cups steam comfortably and everyone clinks glasses together, the warmth of Wintertraum reaches deep into the heart: whether red or white Glühwein, warm Hugo, hot chocolate or even spicy mulled beer – in the Wintertraum you warm your stomach and soul in exquisite variety and a dreamlike atmosphere.
Fluffy Kaiserschmarrn with a view at the glittering ice rink. Delicate crêpes on the dim Klugheim village square. Rice pudding like grandma's in the cosy glow of Mexico. The whole Wintertraum smells of sweet temptation – and tastes simply heavenly!